East Willow Creek


East Willow Creek

Willow Creek

Jun. 29, 2021



Project Goals and Objectives

The project area has reaches that are incised and confined in narrow floodplain sections where riparian woody vegetation is sparse. Beaver populations are active downstream of the project area and is isolated areas near the top of the project area. The goals of the project are to try to widen incised sections and promote inset floodplains and riparian growth and to provide beaver with more deep water habitat to encourage dam building throughout the project area.

Structure Construction Elements

We built large 21 PALS constructed of logs and juniper trees from the nearby hillsides in confined and incised areas and we built large 24 BDAs in less confined areas where we could create deep (>2' deep) ponds. BDAs were mostly built with onsite willows but we also used sage brush and juniper where available.

Project Photos
Photo of East Willow Creek

Cover Photo

Project Location