Tex Creek and Indian Fork Phase 2


Tex Creek

Lower Willow Creek

Sep. 07, 2023



Project Goals and Objectives

The main restoration goals are to increase deposition in a highly incised channel, and due to the presence of beaver, forcing further ponding to create deepwater habitat which promotes beaver expansion. Increased beaver activity will allow natural processes to self-sustain the riverscape and develop higher quality habitats for native fish and terrestrial species. This was phase 2 for Indian Fork, and the density of structures was nearly doubled from phase 1.

Structure Construction Elements

Construction entailed a 50/50 mix of BDAs and dense PALS built with mostly small diameter material. Material for Indian Fork consisted of coyote willow harvested from the upper section and for the lower section, juniper harvested and staged by IDFG from elsewhere on the WMA Property. Material for Tex Creek consisted of willow and juniper harvested from the riparian area. Soil material for the BDAs was sourced from stream banks and 2/3rds of the structures built were reinforced with 6' (2-4" diameter) untreated wooden posts.

Project Photos
Photo of Tex Creek and Indian Fork Phase 2

Cover Photo

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Project Location