Lower Swale Creek LTPBR


Swale Creek

Swale Creek

Oct. 23, 2023



Project Goals and Objectives

he overall goal of restoration in lower Swale Creek is to promote natural fluvial processes that result in a healthy and resilient riverscape and increase habitat quantity, quality, and diversity for threatened steelhead, Coho, and Chinook. Within this broad management goal, preliminary objectives for restoration provided by the Yakama Nation include: enhancing in-channel habitat conditions, increasing the wetted perimeter of the active channel, increasing shallow aquifer storage/recharge, reducing active channel hydraulic severity, and increasing the duration of low flows.

Structure Construction Elements

The majority of the structures built were post-less PALs constructed of small diameter (6-10") diameter fir and pine with streamside alders felled on top for ballast. Some large cottonwoods and alders were felled to create the bulk of structures and some felling occurred upstream of structures to provide wood for recruitment. Posts were attempted on the first structure but the substrate proved too large to drive posts into.

Project Photos
Photo of Lower Swale Creek LTPBR

Cover Photo

(no date)

(no description)

Project Location