The overall goal of restoration in Blockhouse Creek is to promote natural fluvial processes that result in a healthy and resilient riverscape. Often, the most critical factor for fish habitat is the presence of water; increasing flow duration is the primary objective of this project and will benefit all organisms that rely on fresh water. Restoration objectives include: • Increasing the duration and quantity of low flows • Enhancing in-channel habitat conditions • Improving shallow aquifer storage/recharge • Increasing the frequency of overbank flows • Reducing active channel severity and associated channel erosion and down-cutting • Enhance riparian vegetation
The majority of structures built in year 1 are channel spanning PALs. The structures were constructed with a mix of small diameter conifers (pine) harvest on-site and willow installed first parallel to flow on the bed of the stream and laced into the void spaces of the structure. In some locations wood that had fallen but was suspended over the creek and not interacting with water was manipulated to be in the active channel and then material added to make a structure. Two BDAS were constructed in the late summer/early fall with a group of students. The BDAs resulted in large impoundments of water, as a result, more BDAs will be constructed in spring/summer 2024.
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