Church Creek, Haskell Creek, Chapman Creek
North Yuba River
Sep. 05, 2023
The purpose of the proposed project is to restore the ecological function of each of the five meadows. Restoration of meadow hydrology, by reconnecting stream channels to their natural floodplain and facilitating hydrologic connection between adjacent hillslopes and meadows, is the primary activity that we are proposing. This will activate the wet meadow system and improve aquatic wildlife habitat. This will be achieved by 1) using beaver dam analogs (BDAs) and post assisted log structures (PALS) as a tool to target stream channel restoration, and 2) the removal of relic features interrupting meadow hydrology such as ditches, roads, and dysfunctional culverts. In addition, we will be removing and thinning encroaching conifers from the meadow edge and interior using them for material to build BDAs and PALS.
Aside from the heavier construction needed to restore hydrologic function we have used locally sourced woody material from White Fir, Red Fir, Lodgepole Pine and Grey Pine to build BDA's and PALS. The majority of these structures are channel spanning with some grade controls in areas that experience higher stream velocity.
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