Fish Creek Phase 3

Trout Unlimited Project design, permitting and implementation


Fish Creek

Chalk Creek/Weber River

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Sep. 16, 2022



Project Goals and Objectives

The goals for this project include improving aquatic and riparian habitat and water quality by addressing sediment loading. This project works together with long-term restoration efforts in Chalk Creek. This project was funded by the Watershed Restoration Initiative and Utah’s Non-Point Source Pollution Program. Project partners include Sageland Collaborative, Trout Unlimited, Utah Division of Agriculture and Food, private landowners, Summit Conservation District, and Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.

Structure Construction Elements

We built beaver dam analogs (BDAs) using untreated wood posts (2-4" diameter) pounded into the stream-bed at the height of the ordinary high water mark and then filled in by volunteers using on-site materials including sustainably harvested willow branches, mud, rocks, and clumps of sod.

Project Photos
Photo of Fish Creek Phase 3

Cover Photo

(no date)

(no description)

Project Location