Parley's Creek

Sageland Collaborative Design, permitting, & project management
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Funding, implementation & logistical support


Parley's Creek


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Aug. 25, 2022



Project Goals and Objectives

This project is located along a mid-elevation reach of Parley’s creek, just upstream of the confluence with Lamb’s Canyon. This riparian corridor is an important big-game habitat, located near the recently installed Parley’s Wildlife Overpass. The goal of this project was to add structure to the stream channel to reduce high velocities flowing off impervious surface in I-80, increase beaver activity in the area, increase connectivity between the stream channel and the adjacent riparian zone, and maintain riparian vegetation cover for moose, mule deer, and other big game. Funding for this project was provided by the Watershed Restoration Initiative.

Structure Construction Elements

Beaver dam analogs (BDAs) were built using untreated wood posts (2-4” diameter) pounded into the streambed at the height of the ordinary high-water mark and then filled in using on-site materials including sustainably harvested willow branches, mud, rocks, and clumps of sod.

Project Photos
Photo of Parley's Creek

Cover Photo

(no date)

(no description)

Project Location