Parrish Creek Riparian and Hydrologic Enhancement


Parrish Creek

John Day

Jul. 01, 2018



Project Goals and Objectives

The BDA design is intended to increase the duration and extent of surface flow in a section of stream that routinely is dry during summer. Ideally, changes to the hydrology of the reach will result in an increase in fish habitat quantity and quality, and increase the success rate of riparian vegetation plantings fall of 2019.

Structure Construction Elements

BDA structures were largely constructed of downed juniper from nearby juniper thinning actions taking place within the watershed. Juniper and local sediment and cobble were added to post lines staggered across the channel. In general, post elevations and fill material were kept to the elevation of adjacent bank features (~ 0.2 - 0.35 m).

Project Photos
Photo of Parrish Creek Riparian and Hydrologic Enhancement

Cover Photo

Project Location