Oregon Seep Restoration Project


Unnamed Tributary to Shell Creek

Lower Horse Creek

Aug. 15, 2023



Project Goals and Objectives

Oregon Seep is within an ephemeral drainage and several headcuts and channelization of the meadow are occurring. Upland grasses were starting to establish above the headcut as the system was being drained. The goal of the project was to halt the erosion of the headcuts and restore the hydraulic connectivity between the meadow and the seep.

Structure Construction Elements

The headcuts were sloped back and a rock rundown was placed on both headcuts. A small Zuni bowl and one rock dam were placed where a channel had formed within the meadow.

Project Photos
Photo of Oregon Seep Restoration Project

Cover Photo


Looking at the two completed Rock Rundowns


One year after construction.


One year after construction.


Zuni Bowl one year after construction.

Project Location