Leek Springs


North Fork Cosumnes River

Upper North Fork Cosumnes River

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Aug. 14, 2024



Project Goals and Objectives

The Leek Springs Meadow Restoration Project would improve the quality of wetland and quantity of meadow habitat by installing beaver dam analogs (BDAs) and post assisted log structures (PALS) in stream channels. The structures will be built using hand labor and onsite native materials, minimizing soil disturbance through the Project. Goals of the project include reconnecting stream channels with the meadow floodplain in those areas where channel incision has occurred, using instream structures created with natural materials collected onsite and untreated wood posts, to create conditions for sediment aggradation within the flowing channels, reversal of channel incision and an increase in the water table of the meadow outside of the stream channel.

Structure Construction Elements

A mix of BDAs and PALS utilizing conifer and willow for materials.

Project Photos
Photo of Leek Springs

Cover Photo

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Eldorado High Student Education Day

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BDA pond

Project Location