The broader goal of the eventual project was to restore perennial flow to Birch Creek by reintroducing beaver. This pilot was to demonstrate feasibility of building BDAs and test some hypotheses about their utility as release site for translocated beaver. BRAT (, suggested this was pervasive habitat for beaver, but previous releases by Jay Wilde of beaver in 2008 and 2009 did not result in any beaver staying or surviving. We hypothesized they would be more likely to stay with deep water (BDA ponds) to release them into provide cover from predators.
Four BDAs were built in an experiment to see if they would a) hold back water, b) withstand high flows, and c) not freeze through in winter. BDAs were build in two complexes about 800 m apart, each with one primary BDA and one secondary BDA. These were post-assisted BDAs.
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