Little Bear Creek Beaver Dam Analogs

Anabranch Solutions Planning, design, and implementation


Little Bear Creek

Upper Big Bear Creek (HUC 170603061001)

Nov. 01, 2018



Project Goals and Objectives

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) worked with landowners through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) to provide funding and support for conservation efforts on Little Bear Creek. The goals of this project were to address channel incision by aggrading the stream channel and improving floodplain connectivity. Long-term goals include recovery of riparian vegetation communities and eventual recolonization by beaver.

Structure Construction Elements

The project consisted of 17 post-assisted BDAs constructed from onsite material consisting of Lodgepole Pine and Scotch Pine. BDAs were constructed to the height of bankfull and extended out onto floodplain to assist lateral connectivity. The incised and straightened main channel within the project area was a result of a an old railroad line running up the valley. Within the main channel and upstream of where BDAs were constructed, a diversion dam was constructed to pond water and divert it into multiple relic side channels.

Project Photos
Photo of Little Bear Creek Beaver Dam Analogs

Cover Photo

Project Location